Studio Quasi


Studio Quasi’s ceramics are at the intersection of visual art and craft. The name Quasi implies this certain ambiguity. The work consists mainly of hand-built ceramics, it may also appear DIY. Dodo mainly uses old techniques such as coil building, pinching and sgrafitto. These techniques are time consuming and leave a clear signature (or fingerprint) in the work, just like in a pencil drawing.

Dodo Albrecht

Photographer: Johan Nieuwenhuize


Dodo Albrecht graduated as a visual artist from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2010. After working as a visual artist for a number of years, also as half of the Swiss artist duo Van der Plas en Albrecht, she decided to broaden her artistry with a traditional ceramics training. She completed her ceramic education in 2021 at the Nederlandse Keramiekopleiding in Gouda. In 2024 she founded Studio Quasi.

Dodo works associatively and her work appears playful and deceptively rudimentary, but is made with thorough craftsmanship. It questions the naturalness with which we do things in our daily lives.





Ceramics seems to have a very sustainable character because it is made from ‘earth’, but it is not that simple. As with any other product, with ceramics it is also important to know the origin of your raw materials: the clay and the glazes. And the way you produce it and what you do with your waste or residual materials is also part of this.

And then of course there is the question of whether you need new stuff. Often the answer is no. But apparently we have a need to purchase and make new things.

Studio Quasi values ​​sustainability. Glazes are therefore used sparingly, and if possible, pieces are fired in 1 go and not the usual 2 times. Any leftover clay is recycled and used, among other things, to make prototypes.

Production is also mainly done to order instead of working with stocks.

The idea is that you can add Studio Quasi ceramics to your own collection and it does not need to replaces your own tableware. And often pieces can be used in more than one way. It has its own character, and perhaps you prefer one style, but at Studio Quasi there is a preference for playfulness and individuality.